Social Media Report: Social Media Only Brings 3 Percent of Traffic to Web Sites

There is a new Social Media report that details study that they performed showing that social media is responsible for only 3 % of web website visits to retail web websites. Definitely if this is the case, and social media internet sites like Twitter and Facebook are only bringing three percent overall traffic to a internet site, then obviously internet websites proprietors need to get a appear once more at their overall ROI from there internet site’s referring visitors.

I personally possess a feeling that social media is responsible to get a lot greater than just 3 % of internet website visitors. Social media internet sites like Twitter and Facebook are, actually, much more responsible for more internet website visitors: it’s just not being recorded and it is not trackable: so we presume that because this traffic doesn’t display as referring visitors (it shows like a direct type-in type of traffic inside a internet site’s web analytics), then we are not getting visitors from social media.